intellectual property

Patent and Trademark Office (PTO)

See: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

An administrative agency under the U.S. Department of Commerce charged with overseeing and implementing the federal policy on intellectual property, specifically...

patent applied for

A patent applied for refers to a pending claim under the patent application in accordance with the Patent and Trademark Office. For a more in-depth definition, see patent pending.

There is no protection of infringement until...

patent claim

A patent claim defines the boundaries of an invention, and therefore lays down what the patent does and does not cover. A patent claim is the most important thing in a patent application, for it defines the subject matter that is sought to be protected...

patent claims

Patent claims are statements in the patent document that define a patent owner's right on their invention with precise and exact terms that fully describe the boundaries of the invention or patent's scope. Per 35 U.S.C. § 112(b)-(f) give...

patent deed

Patent deed, usually refers to the patent grant mailed out by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) when the applicant’s patent being issued. The patent deed “includes any references to prior patents, the inventor(s)’ names, specification and...

patent drawing

A patent application or patent may contain drawings, which are called patent drawings. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) requires that an application for a patent should be furnished with drawings when it is necessary to promote the...

patent infringement

Patent infringement is the unlawful use, selling, or copying of a patented invention. United States patent law protects such inventions.

A patent is a type of intellectual property that the inventor could seek protection by...

patent pending

A patent is a type of intellectual property where the inventor seeks protection by filing a patent application. A patent pending refers to the pending claim under the patent application following the instructions of the Patent and Trademark...

patent prosecution

A patent is a type of intellectual property that the inventor could seek protection by filing a patent application. Other forms of intellectual property that are protected include copyrights and trademarks. While the protection for copyrights...

patent search

As a patent holder has the exclusive right to make, use, sell or import the invention, a new patent application would not be granted if the application contains the specifics resembles a granted patent. Therefore, a new patent applicant would usually...
